Multi Linguis offers you an alphabetical dictionary of the Non-Indo-European languages .
It includes about 12'000 translations of lemmas belonging to the Elementary level (A1). The entries are arranged by the alphabet.
The book will help you compare the main languages of this group.
It contains the Finnish, Indonesian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Standard Arabic, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese entries.
You can buy the dictionary
. The offer includes EPUB, MOBI and PDF files.
Multi Linguis offers you an alphabetical dictionary of the Non-Indo-European languages .
It includes about 12'000 translations of lemmas belonging to the Elementary level (A1). The entries are arranged by the alphabet.
The book will help you compare the main languages of this group.
It contains the Finnish, Indonesian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Standard Arabic, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese entries.
You can buy the dictionary
. The offer includes EPUB, MOBI and PDF files.